The Indian Health Service (IHS) announces competitive grant applications for the Tribal Management Grant (TMG) Program.
This program is authorized under Section 103(b)
(2) and Section 103(e) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act,
Public Law (Pub.
L.) 93-638, as amended.
This program is described at 9 3. 228 in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA).
The TMG Program is a national competitive discretionary grant program pursuant to 45 CFR Part 75 and 45 CFR Part 92 established to assist Federally-recognized Tribes and Tribally-sanctioned Tribal organizations in assuming all or part of existing IHS programs, services, functions, and activities (PSFA) through a Title I contract and to assist established Title I contractors and Title V compactors to further develop and improve their management capability.
In addition, TMGs are available to Tribes/Tribal organizations under the authority of Pub.
93-638 Section 103(e) for:
(1) obtaining technical assistance from providers designated by the Tribe/Tribal organization (including Tribes/Tribal organizations that operate mature contracts) for the purposes of program planning and evaluation, including the development of any management systems necessary for contract management and the development of cost allocation plans for indirect cost rates; and (2) planning, designing and evaluating Federal health programs serving the Tribe/Tribal organization, including Federal administrative functions.