This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service (NPS), intention to fund the following project under a Cooperative Task Agreement to facilitate the cooperative research and training programs between the Oceans Alaska Science and Learning Center at Kenai Fjords National Park
and the Seward Association for the Advancement of Marine Science dba the Alaska SeaLife Center.
The ASLC is a non profit state-of-the-art 125,000 square foot research, education, conservation, and marine mammal rehabilitation center located in Seward, Alaska.
This project furthers the mission to develop an understanding of the marine and coastal ecosystems to aid in developing and/or improving management strategies of trust resources.
The following ten projects are identified to conduct research and education about the ocean and coastal resources of the park.
A detail of each project is included in Attachment 1. The project elements include:
Project 1:
Synthesis study plan and development of a vertically integrated conceptual model for trophic studies in the Kenai Fjords Harbor Seal Data Management Project 2:
2012 Kenai Fjords Harbor Seal Research Project 3:
Seabird trends:
Habitat use and productivity of seabirds in the Resurrection Bay/Kenai Fjords area Project 4:
Prey availability and trophic linkages:
Using predatory fish as samplers of forage base Project 5:
Bioindicators for coastal monitoring programs Laboratory techniques to support monitoring and assessment of health of benthic food webs in Kenai Fjords and other coastal parks Project 6:
Teacher Professional Development Project 7:
Village Outreach Project 8:
OASLC Research Symposia Project 9:
Ocean Science on Display:
Public Education Project 10:
Interpretive Intern & Staff Development 2012 Project 11:
Technical Assistance Request:
Mentoring Ocean Connections - Present a teachers Workshop aimed at building Distance Education capacity for marine education in Alaska