There is a need for improved seed and trees for use in reforestation of BLM forest lands in western Montana that will yield more and better timber that will be less susceptible to damage by disease, insects, and other pests and in other ways be more vigorous and more responsive to management.
BLM is interested in working with recipients to obtain access to genetically improved seed and trees for use in their reforestation programs.
Obtain genetically improved seed and seedlings for reforestation needs, and provide materials for the establishment of genetically improved seed orchards.
Facilitation of the Montana seed supply working group.
Facilitation of the sharing of seed between members and response to Montana BLM requests for seed.
Membership in costshare seed orchards within the Inland Empire (western Montana, northern Idaho and eastern Washington).
The Missoula Ponderosa Pine orchard was established on DNRC lands and has provided the BLM seed harvest opportunities 3 times in the past 10 years.
Be included in annual meetings which provide international collaboration with British Columbia.
Obtain written updates regarding all ongoing research projects and BLM Membership provides foresters with updated tree genetic information utilized to inforn the public and should work towards providing future health public forests.