SALMON AO Amendment 9:
Release of a solicitation for SOFIA Second Generation Instrument Investigations NNH08ZDA009O-SOFIA2G Release Date:
July 8, 2011 Preproposal Teleconference:
August 4, 2011 Notice of Intent to propose Due:
August 15, 2011 Proposals Due:
October 7,
2011 With this amendment, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Announcement of Opportunity (AO) NNH08ZDA009O, Stand Alone Missions of Opportunity Notice (SALMON), is amended to establish a new Program Element Appendix (PEA) as Appendix H8, SOFIA Second Generation Instrument Investigations.
This PEA is a call for science investigations that include the development, delivery, and use of second generation instruments for the SOFIA observatory.
SOFIA, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, consists of a German-built 2. 7-meter ( 2. 5-meter useable aperture) telescope mounted in a Boeing 747-SP aircraft supplied and modified by NASA.
Flying at altitudes up to 45,000-feet, SOFIA observes from above more than 99 percent of Earths atmospheric water vapor, thereby opening windows to the universe not available from the ground.
SOFIA offers international science teams up to 1000 cloud-free, high-altitude science observi ng hours per year during its two decade design lifetime.
Additional information on SOFIA may be found at .
Proposals from any category of organizations or institutions, U.S or non-U. S. (but non-German), are welcome to respond to this solicitation.
Specific categories of organizations and institutions that are welcome to respond include, but are not limited to, educational, industrial, and not-for-profit organizations, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs), NASA Centers, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and other Government agencies.
This solicitation will be open from July 8, 2011, through October 7, 201 1. Upon the release date, the full text of the AO and all appendices will be available electronically at (select Solicitations then Open Solicitations then NNH08ZDA009O).
A preproposal teleconference will be held; details will be posted at when available.
Direct questions specifically regarding the NASA solicitation to Dr. Paul Hertz, NASA SOFIA Program Scientist, Science Mission Directorate, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC 20546; Tel.:
(202) 358-0986; E-mail: (subject line to read "SOFIA Instrument AO").
This notice constitutes a NASA Research Announcement as contemplated in FAR 6. 102(d)(2).