NOAA’s National Weather Service Office of the Chief Learning Officer is soliciting proposals for Education, Training, and Capacity Development (ETCD) for Weather, Water, and Climate Forecasting.
The ETCD program’s goal is to improve performance of all operational meteorologists and
hydrologists worldwide.
Improving human performance for enhanced decision support services is done through collaborative training and education.
ETCD is accomplished through collaboration between operational hydrologists/meteorologists, scientists, and academic staff with expertise across a wide range of environmental, educational, and social and behavioral sciences.
These activities engage operational hydrologists, meteorologists, researchers, instructors, and students in applied training and simulation exercises which are pivotal to the operational climate, water, and weather communities.
The goal of improving performance is achieved through a competency-based education and training program.
By meeting the goal of ETCD, forecasts and warnings of environmental hazards will be improved.
All funding is contingent upon the availability of Federal appropriations.
NOAA anticipates that up to $8,000,00 0. 00 will be available annually.
The actual annual funding that the awardee receives may be less than the anticipated amount and will depend on the projects that are approved by NOAA after the main award begins, the availability of funding, the quality of the deliverables, the satisfactory progress in achieving the stated goals described in project proposals, and continued relevance to program objectives.