The NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research invites applications for the establishment of a cooperative institute (CI) to improve mesoscale and stormscale high impact weather forecasts, watches, and warnings through the use of, and enhancement of, weather radar.
The CI will focus on the
themes of:
(1) weather radar research and development, (2) stormscale and mesoscale modeling research and development, (3) forecast improvements research and development, (4) impacts of climate change related to extreme weather events, and (5) social and socioeconomic impacts of high impact weather systems.
The CI will be established at a research institution not only having outstanding graduate degree programs in NOAA-related sciences, but also located within a commuting distance to NOAA's facilities in Norman, Oklahoma that provides for direct interactions on a regular basis.
The CI will provide significant coordination of resources among all non-governmental partners and will promote the involvement of students and post-doctoral scientists in NOAA-funded research.
If the CI is comprised of multiple member institutions, only the lead institution applying for the award and where the CI will be established must satisfy the commuting distance requirement.
This announcement provides requirements for the proposed CI and includes details for the technical program, evaluation criteria, and competitive selection procedures.
Applicants should review the CI Interim Handbook prior to preparing a proposal for this announcement (available at