This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications.
This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service (NPS) intention to fund a Task Agreement against an existing Master Agreement.
The focus of this project is the inventory and documentation of plant
species that members of the culturally associated Lakota tribes use for traditional purposes and that grow within the boundaries of the north unit of Badlands National Park.
The inventory of species will be matched with the botanical inventory maintained by the park, with the resulting compiled inventory and documentation being used during the formation of environmental analysis on the applicability and sustainability of gathering the species on the inventory, and any management changes needed to ensure sustainable plant gathering at the park.
This collaborative project between the NPS, University of Florida, and members of the culturally associated Lakota tribes will rely on ethnographic interviews with tribal members and primary and secondary literature source review and synthesis.
The project will actively engage members of the associated Lakota tribes in resource identification and stewardship practices for culturally significant plants.
The project will produce a comprehensive ethnobotanical catalog of plants at BADL that can be used by the NPS, the associated tribes, academic researchers, and the public.
This university and PI was chosen because of recently completed work (2015) on a similar ethnobotany topic in the area of Badlands National Park, with Lakota tribes in the area.
That work resulted in a Ph.D.
dissertation by the co-PI, Dr. Clark Sage.
The NPS substantial involvement will include project meetings with the park, the researchers and the participating tribes, collaboration between the NPS and the researchers on project schedule and fieldwork, participation in fieldwork, providing preliminary data, review of new field data, review of analyses, and collaboration on final documentation of the ethnobotany.