The American Conservation Experience (ACE) is a member who was awarded a Master Cooperative Agreement P15AC00015 allowing ACE to participate in specific tasks, and can provide the necessary activities involved in this particular task while providing an effective outcome for NPS and the objectives of
this research/educational project.
ACE's objective of this project is to support and stimulate work, education and/or training opportunities for young adults through collaborative management of invasive plants and restoration of native vegetation.
This will be accomplished by partnering with the Recipient to provide two (2) Conservation Experience interns to work at Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CUVA) with an additional, short-term assignment to process/clean seeds at the Big Flats Plant Material Center in Corning, NY.
This is a modification to an existing task agreement P15AC00284 to add additional funding.
The public purpose of this project includes engaging park visitors and the local community in shared environmental stewardship, completing conservation projects, proving an opportunity for youth to learn about National Parks, and providing participants with ‘hands-on’ experience related to natural-resource management.
The overall goal and objective of the agreement is to provide work, education and training to young adults through collaborative management of natural resources at a National Park.
The interns will use mechanical and chemical treatments to manage infestations of target species of non-native, invasive plants in multiple areas of the parks, including high-visibility areas with high-visitor use, natural areas, and cultural landscapes.
Interns also will assist with habitat restoration, including collecting native seeds and cuttings; propagating native plants; preparing sites for planting; and establishing native vegetation at restoration sites.