This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service's intention to award a task agreement under a previously competed Master Cooperative Agreement P15AC0001 5. The goals of this project are (1) to provide occupational, educational and training opportunities for youth through
collaborative management of natural resources and other activities at Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CUVA) under the NPS Academy program and (2) to accomplish necessary work at the park.
The objectives of this project are (1) to identify and recruit highly motivated youth to participate in the project and (2) introduce youth participants to occupational and educational opportunities with the National Park Service and other organizations through hands-on activities, such as removing invasive plants, restoring native habitat, meeting with park and other staff to discuss career options, managing and maintaining trails, and participating in other activities designed to engage youth in outdoor recreation.
This project would engage youth in shared environmental stewardship; support the Government’s objective to provide opportunities for youth to learn about the environment by spending time working on projects at CUVA (CUVA receives the indirect benefit of completing conservation and recreational projects); motivate youth participants to become involved in the protection of natural, cultural and historical resources in their communities and beyond; and promote the public’s understanding of natural areas.