OVW FY 2013 Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders Program

The United States Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) (www.ovw.usdoj.gov) is pleased to announce that it is seeking applications for the Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders Program).

This program furthers the Department of Justice’s


mission by encouraging State, local, and Tribal governments and State, local, and Tribal courts to treat sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking as serious violations of criminal law requiring the coordinated involvement of the entire criminal justice system.

***** The SAM.gov site is currently experiencing an outage of the Entity Management component of the website.

For users that are unable to register a new entity or update an entity record, OVW will be accepting applications for this solicitation through the DOJ Grants Management System (GMS) as well as Grants.gov.

To submit an application through GMS, please go to https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/.

The closing date will remain the same.
Agency: Department of Justice

Office: Office of Justice Programs

Estimated Funding: $50,000,000

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