This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications.
This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service (NPS), intention to fund the following project activities without competition.
Project Objectives:
The project will deliver credible science-based
natural resource information that is relevant and useful to Mammoth Cave National Park managers for strategic planning and decision-making purposes.
Project Tasks:
1. Collaboratively undertake project work titled ¿Natural Resource Condition Assessment for Mammoth Cave National Park; 2. Conduct pre-scoping meeting (conference call) and evaluate data sources; 3. Attend site visit and park scoping meeting for discussion of data sources/analysis frameworks/reporting scales and develop park specific study plans; 4. Revise park specific study plans, if required and initiate geodatabase development; 5. Initiate NRCA report development This is a Task Agreement, under the Southern Appalachian Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (SA-CESU) Cooperative Agreement H5000095041, in the amount of $42,72 5. 00 with a period of performance from date of award through September 15, 201 5. Please see attachments:
Funding Opportunity Announcement - P13AS00216 Notice of Intent - P13AS00216 Attachments can be viewed on Grants.Gov and also be accessed at
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