This is a modification to add funding to an existing agreement.
The â¿¿Urban Agendaâ¿ seeks to intentionally demonstrate how a coherent system of urban parks, programs and partnerships can be deployed in an urban landscape.
This project will promote a greater sense of understanding,
appreciation, and stewardship of NPS generally, and the local national parks specifically.
Key goals of the project are:
(1) Advance the Urban Agenda initiative in Tucson; (2) Advance the creation of a regional visitor center for Southern Arizona as an educational resource and an economic development strategy; (3) Bring the hundreds of regional stakeholders together in support of creating a greater sense of place and; (4) Position the NPS and WNPA brands as leading institutions and as â¿¿go toâ¿ partners in the efforts above.
The Saguaro NP Superintendent will jointly serve with WNPA Executive Director as the Project Team, which will develop work plans and deliverables for each Phase of work and ensure that NPS Urban Fellow duties are implemented.
NPS will provide guidance for the project based on the NPS Urban Agenda initiative.
NPS will provide oversight of the Urban Agenda and Urban Fellow program to ensure key goals and objectives are met.
NPS will also provide technical review and quality assurance of content throughout the project and assist in consultations with affiliated tribes/pueblos on appropriate aspects of the project.