Approximately 3. 5 miles of highly visited trails within Carlsbad Caverns will be mapped with 3D Lidar technology and photogrammetry as appropriate, creating imagery of how the designed trail system within the cave reveals the natural features.
These data will be used to understand early design
strategies within the cave and can be used for further scientific interpretation, planning, and monitoring of features.
The project fulfills public purpose by engaging partners in shared environmental stewardship.
Further, the project will develop data and digital products that will be shared through a variety of strategies to increase public awareness, knowledge, and support for historic preservation and stewardship of the cultural and historical heritage at CAVE.
The project will provide data that will enhance the scientific community through gains in new knowledge provided through research and related results dissemination of natural and cultural resource information.
Last, the project assists in the improvement of the publicâ¿¿s understanding of natural, cultural, and historical information found inside the cave system.