The objective of this agreement is to partner with TAS to support collaborative ecosystem monitoring on Chihuahuan Desert parks.
Specifically, TAS experts will conduct bird community surveys at Big Bend NP.
In addition, TAS experts will conduct upland vegetation (native and invasive) monitoring
at Amistad NRA, Big Bend NP, Carlsbad Caverns NP, Fort Davis NHS, Guadalupe Mountains NP, and White Sands NM.
Finally, TAS experts will populate a shared groundwater database and conduct seeps/springs monitoring at Amistad NRA, Big Bend NP, Carlsbad Caverns NP, Guadalupe Mountains NP, and White Sands NM.
Field data collection will follow accepted, published monitoring protocols.
TAS staff will also process all field data, voucher any new plant species, and conduct data quality assurance/quality control procedures on the resulting data.
In conjunction, with NPS scientists and other TAS taxon experts, the TAS field technicians will contribute towards annual reports and public information products.