This cooperative research project will provide tools and information that will assist Rocky Mountain National Park in managing elk and moose populations and the riparian habitat which they utilize.
This project will:
1) build on existing elk population modeling, census and collared animals
to estimate elk on the summer range 2) develop sampling procedures and data models for aerial infrared elk and moose population estimates 3) obtain location information from GPS collared moose to determine population extant, high use temporal periods within the park, determine if there is a resident vs transient population 4) Use GPS data to estimate moose survival probabilities 5) Develop GIS-based estimates of habitat carrying capacity for moose.
This project will serve a public purpose by providing new knowledge on natural resources, generated by researchers external to the NPS, for the benefit of the greater scientific community.
It will also engage university and faculty in shared environmental stewardship.
Knowledge obtained from this research will be used to inform park programs for the public and be utilized to create science communications materials on these topics.
The modeling and data analysis will support the knowledge and skill development of partners at Colorado State University.