This collaborative agreement between the University of Colorado at Boulder and the National Park Service (NPS) will assist Mesa Verde National Park (MVNP) with planning, design, and development of updated exhibits for the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum (CMAM).
This project will plan for the
next century of the CMAM, one of the first NPS museums, while honoring its historic nature and values, and re¬tain its function as a focal point for visitors to MVNP.
This agreement is the first phase of a multi-phase project.
Subsequent phases will be described and funded under a modification to this task agreement and/or future stand-alone task agreements.
Phase 1 will include project scoping and gathering information required for the creation of three design alternatives for the Schematic Design phase of planning and design for new exhibits.
This project will help the park meet the Department of the Interior¿s current of enhancing public satisfaction at DOI sites by creating accurate, interactive exhibits that will engage today¿s park visitors.
It will also contribute to the DOI priority of supporting tribal self-determination by encouraging tribal stakeholders to share their perspectives as we interpret the stories of their ancestors for the public.