Project Goals ¿ The goal is to collaborate towards a scientifically robust and credible inventory and monitoring program designed to detect change in natural resources within the parks of the Greater Yellowstone Network (GRYN) and other networks in the west.
Project Goals:
overall goal of the project is for the GRYN to partner with NMSU to analyze over a decade of amphibian and wetland data from Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.
This work will specifically target the breeding salamander data.
Project Objectives ¿ To determine the trend and relevant relationship of breeding salamanders to wetland habitat, hydrological periods, and weather patterns.
This work will be valuable to informing park managers and the public about the dynamic nature of wetlands and how amphibians such as salamanders respond to changes in wetlands (i.e.
how do salamanders respond when there are more dry wetlands on the landscape).