Since 2010, PRM has dedicated funding to support innovative global capacity building and research projects on GBV.
This funding allows us to support the development of new tools and cutting-edge research that offers benefits to the wider humanitarian community.
This announcement is the
annual call for proposals for innovative GBV global capacity building and research projects.
PRM will prioritize funding for proposed NGO activities that best meet the Bureau's priorities for capacity-building, research, and evaluations or assessments in line with Call to Action on Protection from Gender-based Violence in Emergencies Roadmap (Call to Action Roadmap), to help the humanitarian community better prevent and respond to GBV in the emergency and protracted phases of refugee and conflict-affected displacement globally.
GBV is an umbrella term covering a range of abuses perpetrated against individuals based on gender and gender norms, including (but not limited to) sexual violence, sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), female genital mutilation (FGM), early and forced marriage (EFM), domestic and intimate partner violence (IPV), and violence related to sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI).
This funding opportunity is only for proposals for globally-relevant capacity building, research, assessment, or evaluation projects that will promote the Call to Action Roadmap efforts to strengthen the international community's ability to reduce and effectively respond to GBV.
This funding opportunity is not intended for programs that build the capacity of a single organization.
To maximize global reach, activities should involve multiple locations and, when appropriate, multiple partners.