Through this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), Reclamation is forming partnerships with private industry, universities, water utilities, and others to address a broad range of desalting and water purification needs.
Reclamation is interested in research where the benefits are widespread
but where private-sector entities are not able to make the full investment and assume all the risks.
Reclamation is also interested in research that has a national significance—where the issues are of large-scale concern and the benefits accrue to a large sector of the public.
This FOA is only for Research and Laboratory Studies.
Research studies are typically bench scale studies involving small flow rates less than 2 gallons per minute.
They are used to determine the viability of a novel process, new materials, or process modifications.
Research at this stage often involves a high degree of risk and uncertainty.
Cost share is encouraged, but not required for institutions of higher education.
Other applicants must provide at least 50 percent non-Federal cost-share.