The purpose of this NOFO is to solicit applications from non-federal parties to which the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) will issue awards of grants or cooperative agreements through the CVPCP, CVPIA and the HRP.
The CVPCP and HRP implement actions
intended to protect, restore, and enhance special-status species (excluding fish) and their habitats that have been affected by the operation of the Central Valley Project (CVP) and implementation of the CVPIA, with a special emphasis on federally listed species.
The main objectives of the programs are to:
(1) protect and restore native habitats impacted by the CVP, (2) stabilize and improve populations of native species impacted by the CVP, and (3) assist with the recovery of federally and state-listed species whose populations have been impacted by the CVP.