The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications for Resource Core Center awards using the NIH P30 funding mechanism to support environments in which basic and applied scientists can assemble to develop a collaborative transdisciplinary alcohol research
The NIAAA P30 mechanism provides funding for centralized resources and facilities shared by alcohol research investigators.
Resource Core Alcohol Research Centers will enrich the effectiveness of ongoing research and promote new research directions.
The purpose of this program is to provide resources to foster interdisciplinary, collaborative research on a wide variety of topics relevant to the Institutes mission.
These topics include, but are not limited to:
the nature, etiology, genetics, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of alcohol use disorders and their biomedical, psychosocial, and economic consequences across the lifespan.
Resource Core Centers are expected to act as regional or national resources in their area of expertise and to actively develop research collaborations with outside investigators, as well as provide the means to develop novel research ideas and encourage investigators via pilot projects.
Mechanism of Support.
This FOA will utilize the Resource Core Alcohol Research Centers (P30) grant mechanism and runs in parallel with two related FOAs:
Specialized Alcohol Research Centers (P50) (RFA-AA-10-003), and Comprehensive Alcohol Research Centers (P60) (RFA-AA-10-004).