Applied Science ProgramThe United States Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) is requesting Applied Science proposals for projects that develop and demonstrate improved science and technologies related to the mining of coal and the reclamation of the
land after mining.Funded projects will help address important OSMRE issues related to implementation of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA).
Applicants may request funding up to $200,00 0. The award will be by cooperative agreement (or as an Interagency Agreement if another Federal Agency is involved).
Each cooperative agreement will be for a period of time consistent with the proposal but not to exceed two years from date of award.
Each cooperative agreement grantee may apply for and be granted non-funded extensions of time only as necessary to complete the project.
OSMRE will only grant extensions if the delays are beyond the control of the Principle Investigator (PI).
Included in this document are instructions for preparing the proposal including a list of eligible issues and a description of the proposal review process.
OSMRE will only accept proposals that address the specific list of eligible issues.