Emergency Rural Health Care (ERHC) Grant Program

This program provides up to $500 million in grant funding to eligible public bodies, non-profits, and Federally-recognized tribes.

Funds will be distributed between two tracks of funding to eligible applicants:
Track One, Recovery grants offer support for rural health care services in the form


of immediate relief to address the economic conditions arising from the COVID-19 emergency; and Track Two, Impact grants offer funding to advance ideas and solutions to solve regional health care problems to support long-term sustainability of rural health.

Application Submission:
Track One, Recovery applications will be submitted to a processing office as designated by the USDA Rural Development State Office in the state where the applicant’s project is located.

Agency state office contact information is available at https://www.rd.usda.gov/about-rd/state-offices.

Track Two, Impact applications will be submitted to a processing office as designated by the USDA Rural Development State Office in the state where the applicant is headquartered.

For applicants with headquarters located in the District of Columbia, applications will be submitted to the USDA Rural Development National Office, ATTN:
Jamie Davenport, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, STOP 0787, Washington, DC 2025 0. Both paper and electronic applications must be received by the Agency by the deadlines stated in the Notice of Funding Availability.

The use of a courier and package tracking for paper applications is strongly encouraged.

For more information, please view the Notice of Funding Availability, available here:
https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2021-08-12/pdf/2021-1719 9. pdf.
Related Programs

Community Facilities Loans and Grants

Department of Agriculture

Agency: Department of Agriculture

Office: Rural Housing Service

Estimated Funding: $500,000,000

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