The non-federal entity will perform the required program support to:
(1) assist in the implementation of the Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plan and identify areas where the plan needs refinement or revision; (2) support compliance and research with the Cultural Resources
Management program conducted at Fort Leonard Wood; and (3) draft and provide technical review on cultural resources documents for Fort Leonard Wood.
Fort Leonard Wood currently consists of 61,410 acres and is designated as an active Installation Management Command (IMCOM) installation.
Fort Leonard Wood is located just south of Waynesville and St.
Robert, in Pulaski County, Missouri located in the northern Ozark Highland region of south-central Missouri.
The installation includes more than 570 prehistoric and historic archaeological sites, and has an active program in site reconnaissance, monitoring, and National Register of Historic Places eligibility assessment.
All responsible, non-federal entities submitting funding requests that meet the requirements in the scope of work will be considered for this funding opportunity.
10 USC 2684 “The Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of a military department may enter into a cooperative agreement with a State or local government or other entity for the preservation, management, maintenance, and improvement of cultural resources…and for the conduct of research regarding the cultural resources.”