SBA Partners in CA

The U.S Small Business Administration supports both the Small Business Development Center Program and SCORE to provide management assistance to current and prospective small business owners. These programs offer one-stop assistance to individuals and small businesses by providing a wide variety of information and guidance in central and easily accessible branch locations.
Small Business Resources Map

blue icon SBDC | red icon SCORE | green icon WBC |green icon Other SBA Partner | dollar icon CDFI

Featured Government Grant Resources

YouthBuild Grants Program

The Employment and Training Administration has recently established the YouthBuild Grants Program in an effort to financially support organizations that seek to oversee the provision of education, occupational skills training, and employment services to disadvantaged youth in their communities while performing meaningful work and service to their communities.

United States Department of Agriculture: Rural Development

USDA Rural Development is an agency that is operating under the United States Department of Agriculture. The primary goal of the USDA RD is to assist in the improvement of the economy and quality of life in rural areas located in the United States.

Social Entrepreneurship

Exeter Sees Growth in Social Enterprise Sector

A partner at The Fruit Tree for Business LLP and co-founder of ESSENCE, Lorna Turner, discusses why Social Enterprise Day is a good time to celebrate Exeter’s thriving social enterprise scene.

More Federal Domestic Assistance Programs

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2004-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders