Federal Programs from Office of Economic Adjustment

Community Economic Adjustment
Office of Economic Adjustment
To provide special assistance, as well as general economic adjustment assistance....more

Community Economic Adjustment
Office of Economic Adjustment
To provide assistance to State and local governments affected by qualifying Department of Defense actions....more

Community Economic Adjustment Assistance for Establishment, Expansion, Realignment, or Closure of a
Office Of Economic Adjustment
Assistance for States and communities to: plan and carry out adjustment strategies; engage the private sector in order to plan and undertake community economic development and base redevelopment; and,...more

Community Economic Adjustment Planning Assistance for Joint Land Use Studies
Office Of Economic Adjustment
To assist local and State governments in preparing and adopting a planning study to mitigate or prevent incompatible community development that is likely to impair the continued operational utility of...more

Community Economic Adjustment Planning Assistance for Reductions in Defense Industry Employment
Office Of Economic Adjustment
Assistance for States and communities to prepare and carry out community adjustment and economic diversification activites in response to reductions in defense industry employment resulting from: a pu...more

Office Of Economic Adjustment
The Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA), a Department of Defense (DoD) field activity, is authorized to make awards to, or conclude cooperative agreements with state or local governments, or any nongo...more

Economic Adjustment Assistance for State Governments
Office of Economic Adjustment
To provide technical and financial assistance to a State, or an entity of State government, to enhance its capacities to assist communities, businesses, and workers affected by Defense program activit...more

Social Entrepreneurship

Exeter Sees Growth in Social Enterprise Sector

A partner at The Fruit Tree for Business LLP and co-founder of ESSENCE, Lorna Turner, discusses why Social Enterprise Day is a good time to celebrate Exeter’s thriving social enterprise scene.

More Federal Domestic Assistance Programs

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2004-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders