Federal Programs from VA Health Administration Center

Grants to States for Construction of State Home Facilities
VA Health Administration Center
To assist States to acquire or construct State home facilities for furnishing domiciliary or nursing home care to veterans, and to expand, remodel, or alter existing buildings for furnishing domicilia...more

Blind Rehabilitation Centers
VA Health Administration Center
To provide personal and social adjustment programs and medical or health-related services for eligible blinded veterans at selected VA Medical Centers maintaining blind rehabilitation centers....more

Veterans Domiciliary Care
VA Health Administration Center
To provide the least intensive level of inpatient care for ambulatory veterans disabled by age or illness who are not in need of more acute hospitalization and who do not need the skilled nursing serv...more

Veterans Medical Care Benefits
VA Health Administration Center
To provide outpatient medical services, hospital care, medicines and supplies to eligible veterans in receipt of VA health care....more

Veterans Nursing Home Care
VA Health Administration Center
To accommodate eligible veterans who are not acutely ill and not in need of hospital care, but who require skilled nursing care, related medical services, supportive personal care, and individual adju...more

Veterans Dental Care
VA Health Administration Center
To provide dental services....more

Veterans Prescription Service
VA Health Administration Center
To provide eligible veterans and certain dependents and survivors of veterans with prescription drugs and expendable medical supplies from VA pharmacies upon presentation of prescription(s) from a VA ...more

Veterans Prosthetic Appliances
VA Health Administration Center
To provide, through purchase and/or fabrication, prosthetic and related appliances, equipment and services to eligible veterans so that they may live and work as productive citizens....more

Veterans State Domiciliary Care
VA Health Administration Center
To provide financial assistance to States furnishing domiciliary care to eligible veterans in State Veterans' Homes which meet the standards prescribed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs....more

Veterans State Nursing Home Care
VA Health Administration Center
To provide financial assistance to States furnishing nursing home care to eligible veterans in State Veterans' Homes which meet the standards prescribed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs....more

Social Entrepreneurship

Exeter Sees Growth in Social Enterprise Sector

A partner at The Fruit Tree for Business LLP and co-founder of ESSENCE, Lorna Turner, discusses why Social Enterprise Day is a good time to celebrate Exeter’s thriving social enterprise scene.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2004-2025 Copyright Michael Saunders