U.S. Mission to Tajikistan The U.S Embassy in Dushanbe, Tajikistan announces a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to help the Government of Tajikistan strengthen and systematize its debt management and forecasting practices....more
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity is to invite proposals for funding from entities currently funded by SBA as a Women’s Business Center (WBC). Proposals must include detailed plans to...more
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity is to invite proposals for funding from private, non- profit microenterprise development organizations; microenterprise development programs run by...more
Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program to Provide Organizations with Funding for Outreach, Mentoring, Technical and Business Assistance to R&D-focused Small Businesses Interested...more
The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Mission in Egypt (USAID/Egypt) is seeking applications for a cooperative agreement from qualified entities to implement the...more
The Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs seeks to support women business leaders from less privileged and/or rural backgrounds, including survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, to...more
U.S. Mission to Guyana The U.S. Embassy in Georgetown, Guyana announces this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for a project to strengthen the capacity of the Government of Guyana (GoG) to improve the transparency of...more
The Small Business Act provides for entrepreneurial training, business development assistance, counseling, and management assistance to small business owned and controlled by eligible veterans, as...more
The Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs’ Office of Assistance Coordination (NEA/AC) invites applications that foster entrepreneurial and startup activity and accelerate economic diversification in...more
With Mealshare, every meal purchased at a restaurant, one gets shared with a person in need of food. This concept was hatched by two entrepreneurs, cousins Jeremy Bryant and Andrew Hall.