Community Health Equity Through Systems Strengthening (CHESS) seeks to advance community participation in national efforts to ensure equitable and universal access to essential health services for all segments of the Cameroonian population.
CHESS is a five-year cooperative agreement that will
be issued to a local entity (as defined in series 30 3. 6 of USAID’s Automated Directives System) to build community systems that promote health equity in Cameroon.The CHESS activity will initially contribute to the following priorities outlined in Cameroon’s 2020-2030 National Development Strategy (NDS):● Contribute to sustainable development goals through a healthy, productive human capital capable of generating strong, inclusive, and sustainable growth.● Guarantee all segments of the population equitable and universal access to basic health services and care.● Prioritize specialized quality healthcare, with the full participation of the community.
Interventions may be adjusted in future years to align with future NDS.