The Civil Society Resilience (CSR) Activity aims to improve Cambodia’s civil society and grassroots organizers to be more effective while maintaining civil society’s ability to function within the country’s closing civic space.
The Activity will address the needs, opportunities,
and challenges identified by the civic actors, across relevant sectors, to foster engagement and respond to civic space challenges.
The CSR activity will strengthen the agency, resiliency, and efficacy of civil society to advance agendas that are in the public interest and advance inclusive development.
This CSR Activity contains the following three objectives:
Objective 1:
Provide flexible financial and technical support available to bolster the agency and resilience of civil society and grassroots organizers, across sectors.
Objective 2:
Promote practices that strengthen strategic decision-making, resource mobilization, coordination, communication, and long-term planning to advance reforms.
Objective 3:
Strengthen access to learning, networking, and exchange opportunities that civil society identifies as central to the success of their work.