Section 7(a) of the Wagner-Peyser Act (49 U.S.C.
§ 49f (a)) authorizes States to use 90 percent of the funds allotted to a State for labor exchange services, and other career services such as job search and placement services to job seekers; appropriate recruitment services for employers; program
evaluations; developing and providing labor market and occupational information; developing management information systems; and administering the work test for unemployment insurance claimants.
Section 7(b) of the Wagner-Peyser Act (49 U.S.C.
§ 49f(b)), states that 10 percent of the funds allotted to a State must be reserved for use by the Governor to provide performance incentives for public employment service offices and programs, provide services for groups with special needs, and provide for the extra costs of exemplary models for delivering services of the type described in section 7(a).
Training and Employment Guidance Letter No.
27-16, Attachment I shows the distribution of PY 2017 ES formula amounts by State compared to PY 201 6.