The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is pleased to launch this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for an exciting, innovative, and results-based project, “Data-Driven Communities.” This project seeks to empower stakeholders at in subnational areas in Tanzania (district and wards) to use data
to improve lives through better decisions, budgetary alignment and citizen engagement.
Specifically, this NOFO is reaching out to organizations with demonstrated interest, relevant experience, creativity and knowhow to come up with a strategy, target geographic areas and the right mix of interventions; and, then to achieve specific outcomes and optimize impact within a short period of time.
The “Data-Driven Communities” Project is one among several investments under a broader Data Collaboratives for Local Impact Program (DCLI).This is the initial announcement for this new funding opportunity.
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number is 8 5. 002 MCC Foreign Assistance for Overseas Programs.
For the purposes of this Notification of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) the term "Grant" is synonymous with "Cooperative Agreement"; "Grantee" is synonymous with "Recipient"; and "Grant Officer" is synonymous with "Agreement Officer".Eligible organizations interested in submitting an application should read this NOFO thoroughly to understand the nature of the work required, eligibility and application submission requirements, and the evaluation process.
The funding opportunity number is MCC-16-RFA-000 6. The successful Applicant (Team of Prime and Consortium members) will be selected through a two-phase application process that will be completed consistent with the Open Contracting Principles.1 Additional notification milestones pertinent to this process will be posted on and are further described in Section H.Program (Project) Name:
Data-Driven Communities ProjectNotice of Funding Opportunity Number:
MCC-16-RFA-0006Questions and correspondence for this NOFO should be directed to the point of contacts specified in Section D.
MCC’s responses will be posted on under this NOFO number.Issue of this NOFO does not constitute a commitment from MCC to award the program.
All applications and submission costs are at the Applicants’ expense.We encourage you to apply to this exciting new funding opportunity, working with us to increase the use of data for decision-making, at the subnational level where it is most needed, and to enable greater development impact!