This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), PAR-08-155, issued by FIC, NIMH, ORWH, and NIDA, NIH solicits renewal (re-competing) and new Phase II applications in the International Clinical, Operations and Health Services Research Training Award for AIDS and TB (ICOHRTA AIDS TB) program.
applications from a Research Training Unit , composed of a Phase I ICOHRTA AIDS TB (planning grant) recipient and the U. S. partner institution chosen by the Phase I recipient, must propose, in an integrated manner, a comprehensive training program that will strengthen the capacity in the foreign country to conduct clinical research and implementation science, including operations and health services research focused on HIV infection, TB, and, where relevant, HIV/TB co-infection prevention, care and treatment.
-Mechanism of Support.
This FOA will utilize the International Training Cooperative Agreement (U2R) grant mechanism
-Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards The estimated amount of funds available for support of five-six new or renewal Research Training Units awarded as a result of this announcement is $3,000,000 for fiscal year 200 9. Future year amounts will depend on annual appropriations.
Facilities and administrative costs are limited to 8% for all awards and sub-awards.
The earliest anticipated start dates for awards are April 1, 200 9.