This funding opportunity announcement will fund 6 Family Support through Primary Prevention (FSPP) sites for five-year intensive projects of national significance to demonstrate integrated, cross-sector approaches that engage communities in developing child and family well-being systems.
will be informed by public health models and approaches and work to improve overall child and family well-being by strengthening the whole family and reducing the likelihood of child maltreatment and unnecessary contact with the formal child welfare system.
FSPP sites will develop approaches to work directly with families, communities, and a broad array of stakeholders across the public, private, faith-based, and philanthropic sectors to design and implement highly coordinated and comprehensive family support systems that will mitigate the causes of family vulnerability by enhancing community protective factors and parental protective capacities in racially and culturally appropriate ways.
Projects should be informed by ACYF-CB-IM-18-05 and encouraged by ACYF-CB-IM-19-0 3. FSPP sites will be required to conduct individual qualitative and quantitative evaluations and participate in a nationally significant cross site evaluation.