Elizabeth Development Company
In line with this mission, the NIH has recently constituted the Small Business Innovation Research Phase IIB Bridge Awards to Accelerate the Development of Cancer Therapeutics, Imaging Technologies, Interventional Devices, Diagnostics, and Prognostics Toward Commercialization Program.
The Value-Added Producer Grants program is geared towards helping the Independent Producers of Agricultural Commodities, Agriculture Producer Groups, Farmer and Rancher Cooperatives, and Majority-Controlled Producer-Based Business Ventures in developing techniques that would create marketing opportunities and establish business plans involving viable marketing opportunities that involve the production of bio-based products from agricultural commodities.
Employers For Childcare Charitable Group (EFCG), a Lisburn-based charity, has been crowned top Social Enterprise at the Ulster Final of 2014’s Ulster Bank Business Achievers Awards. EFCG seeks to “make it easier for parents with dependent children to get into work and to stay in work.”